DevOps practices

8 Reasons Why the Principles of DevOps Really Matters

The adoption of DevOps practices already reaches 50% of organizations, but there are still doubts about its efficiency. When the principle of DevOps is applied correctly within an organization, it offers tangible benefits.
In this article, we’ll look at ten key points on how DevOps can help your business grow.

1 → DevOps teaches flexibility with constant change

The technological environment is an ever-changing landscape.
Some languages ​​evolve, and new ones are created. Changes are constantly being made to the infrastructure to meet high demands on applications and delivery of services with agility.

The power to adapt to this change will define your success regardless of the role you play. After all, at DevOps, it is vital to adapt quickly and avoid friction, allowing the organization to grow.

2 → DevOps embraces the cloud

The cloud is the present, and it will be the future. The world is still in transition but realizes that the cloud is the way for almost all organizations. The environment is more flexible than traditional infrastructure, reduces the stress between operations, and reduces costs in most cases.

There are endless possibilities to run your business within public, private, and hybrid clouds. You will be able to launch and fix features in minutes, which is highly beneficial to your business to be competitive in the market.
The agility that the cloud offers goes hand in hand with the principles of DevOps. Migrate makes the organization focused on automation and management by innovating its software delivery.

Once inside the cloud, you can connect all infrastructure services, platforms, and tools so you can manage your resources and applications seamlessly. During the process, you can re-evaluate past architecture decisions and slowly transition your application and system to being cloud-native or designed with the cloud in mind.

3 → DevOps solves human problems

Technology evolves faster than our brains can keep up. So the biggest challenge we face is human limitations.
Embracing DevOps requires a shift in culture and mindset, and if you can achieve them, your organization will reap numerous benefits.

When engineers are empowered to explore, freed from the pressure and fear of failure, they discover new ways to solve problems. They approach projects and issues with a healthy mindset and work together more fluidly, without unnecessary competition.

4 → DevOps challenges the developer

the principles of DevOps accelerate the growth of individual engineers as well as teams. The engineer who adopts a constructive mindset needs new challenges in order not to feel stagnant. The DevOps methodology promotes skills, which means the employee specializes in one area and has extensive knowledge in many other areas.

No other engineering methodology allows and encourages engineers to explore as much as DevOps. For example, a Python engineer might have an interest in cloud infrastructure. It contributes to hiring and retaining talent.

5 → DevOps fills gaps

One of the main challenges of modern technology is bridging the gap between business and engineering needs.
DevOps seeks to unify departments across an enterprise and create shared understanding.

Respect for each other’s work and contributions is what allows each person in the company to thrive. It prevents friction and improves agility. When you don’t have a disagreement internally, the only challenges you face are external, and external challenges are more manageable than internal conflicts.

6 → DevOps lets you fail

It’s impossible to predict all the ways your system might fail because of all the unknowns. Failure is inevitable, but rather than focusing all your organization’s efforts on avoiding failure, and you can prepare for it.
DevOps prepares organizations to respond to failure in an agile and organized way and not react in an unpremeditated way.

Every incident involves a level of stress, but you can reduce your team’s stress by using failure as a way to learn and adapt your system to become more resilient.

7 → DevOps automates drudgery

Increasing effectiveness and acceleration are at the heart of the DevOps methodology. By automating manual, labor-intensive processes, engineers work on projects that make software and systems more reliable without interruptions in service.

One of the basic principles of tooling in your DevOps practice is automation. You can automate your deployment pipeline to include a set of tests and other ports that code must pass through to be released.
In many ways, the SRE is the next logical step in DevOps evolution and should be your next step once you and your organization have implemented the core DevOps concepts.

8 → DevOps accelerates delivery

The software delivery lifecycle has evolved from a slow, linear process to an agile, continuous loop. DevOps creates a feedback loop around the customer and continually delivers interactive changes to its products. This circuit constantly improves features and ensures the customer is satisfied with what you’re delivering.

When you connect all the dots and fully embrace DevOps across your organization, you can watch as your team can deliver better software faster.
The changes are small at first, but over time, these seemingly insignificant changes add up and create a team that accelerates the delivery of quality software.

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