
About Interos

Interos, a Washington-based company that works to help reduce risk and prevent disruptions in the supply chain, created a way to conduct continuous monitoring of business relationships, helping companies worldwide.

They offer a SaaS platform that uses artificial intelligence to assess risks between B2B ecosystems and also supply-chain vulnerabilities, on this platform they present an interactive global map where it is possible to analyze the multidimensional network of highly connected relationships between suppliers and companies.

Challenges and developments

The company had an infrastructure based on static EC2 instances and multiple git version control products – GitHub & BitBucket. Our first step was to help them to centralize source code repositories on an internal GitLab inside a brand new Kubernetes cluster which solved two problems in the system.
After defining the architecture, the Webera team together with the internal DevOps team started provisioning the EKS clusters targeting the needs of the development and production environments.

This new structure is capable of operating according to the demand of applications, promoting a scalable environment, and also contributes to cost reduction, as it does not keep idle resources running.

Once the infrastructure was created, the containerization of existing applications, databases, APIs and microservices began, together with the implementation of CI/CD using Gitlab. This process allows developers to upgrade and deploy new tools without disrupting other services or opening large maintenance windows.

After the containerization of existing resources, an effort was made to convert the entire infrastructure to the IaC model, allowing the whole process, from the creation of clusters to the operation of applications, to be operated autonomously, with a minimum of manual interventions.

Technical changes in the Interos system

  • Centralization of multiple source management systems
  • Containerization of the entire Interos application stack
  • Multiple Kubernetes cluster deployments using infrastructure as code
  • FedRAMP and other compliance support


The new infrastructure brought to Interos greater scalability, promoting a reduction in costs due to the interruption of idle resources or low productivity.
With a more agile system, developers can perform updates and deployments of new features and software without any interruption in the functioning of other services due to the operation that now works autonomously.

Why choose Webera

Our goal is to simplify technology with unique solutions and use our experience to manage projects and people to deliver results.

Businesses demand technological solutions and services that improve efficiency and productivity. We prepare customized solutions for each type of business and need.

By hiring reliable suppliers, it’s possible to overcome the lack of specialized in-house labor, partners in facing quality, innovation, commitment, and credibility problems. We choose effective technology resources for the corporate world, with a clear focus on availability, security, reliability, and return over investment.

DevOps benefits

  • Maximum speed in designing new environments;
  • Agile elaboration with more information and more complex rules;
  • Secure and flexible environment.


We serve companies of all sizes and sectors, automating their infrastructure with agile methodology and the best technological resources.
Our team is ready to assist you. Talk to us!