Luma Health

About Luma Health

Luma Health is an American health tech startup that created a custom platform to provide a dynamic and efficient engagement mechanism between patients and physicians.

The platform is simple, intuitive, and flexible enough to meet all communication needs at every stage of the service journey.

The company built the vision around a system that delivers high-quality healthcare, lightening the burden on staff and providing a state-of-the-art experience.

Challenges and developments

Luma Health needed to version its entire infrastructure as code, including the infrastructure services within the Kubernetes clusters, also known as k8s add-ons.

After a detailed study of the customer needs, Webera made a strategic plan to automate the activity more efficiently and adopted the following tools:

  • Terraform and Terraform Cloud (HashiCorp’s managed service offering)
  • ArgoCD (the declarative GitOps tool to deploy applications to Kubernetes) + Helm Charts (Package manager for Kubernetes)

Webera’s team worked to transform the entire infrastructure of the platform with the existing services in code through Terraform (Infrastructure as code tool).

All services in definition files were versioned within a repository on GitHub. The team also stored all the state of the infrastructure configuration within Terraform Cloud.

For infrastructure services that run inside Kubernetes clusters, it was necessary to create Helm Charts, transforming them into versioned packages inside a Github repository. After this process, the team could deploy those services to the K8S cluster via ArgoCD following the GitOps framework principles.


After implementing all the customer services, it’s possible to say that it has generated numerous benefits on the infrastructure.

Currently, Luma has higher control, visibility, and traceability of all changes made to the services. The technical teams (Operations and Dev) now interact through the GitOps framework. This way, the recovery (rollback) of infra changes is more efficient in case of any operational failures or errors since they are versioned in  Github.

Why choose Webera

In addition to all the benefits mentioned previously, the Webera team also recreated the client’s entire infrastructure from scratch in a new account if there was a need for Disaster Recovery.

Demonstration tests were then carried out, proving to the customer that with the new system, the Disaster Recovery process was utterly possible to be done, even in a short period, taking into account the large number of infrastructure services that Luma Health does.

Our goal is to simplify technology with unique solutions and use our experience to manage projects and people to deliver results.

Businesses demand technological solutions and services that improve efficiency and productivity. We prepare customized solutions for each type of business and need.

By hiring reliable suppliers, it’s possible to overcome the lack of specialized in-house know-how, facing quality, innovation, commitment, and credibility problems.  We choose practical technology resources for the corporate world, with a clear focus on availability, security, reliability, and return over investment.

DevOps benefits

  • Maximum speed in designing new environments;
  • Agile elaboration with more information and more complex rules;
  • Secure and flexible environment.

We help companies of all sizes and sectors, automating their infrastructure with agile methodologies and the best technological resources.

Our team is ready to assist you. Talk to us!