Learn how to plan your cloud storage

Learn how to plan your cloud storage

To be part of a cloud computing environment, organizations use planning processes and tools to achieve cost reduction, improve the speed of system implementation and improve system availability. These processes and tools provide system owners with the information to manage their environment and plan for future computing needs.

Thus, professionals need to have a well-defined plan to use cloud storage in companies. At the beginning of the migration to cloud computing environments, essential points will need attention. With more than a year and a half of pandemics impacting people’s lives, making decisions will take special care; they will undoubtedly affect how you work.

IT departments have always been at the center of business, and today they are more than essential pieces for the continuity of companies. Despite the highlight, the work volume increased considerably in all sectors in the home office format. With that, the attention of the IT areas is turned to information security and systems availability.

There are many advantages of cloud migration for your business when technology becomes part of the strategy. Among them, the possibility to monitor and automate digital activities. With an agile and protected operation, companies can achieve high performance all year round. Another important point of migration is security.

Market providers such as Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS) dedicate a good part of their developers to developing new and better security systems. The imminence of attacks such as malware has happened frequently, and it is essential that the updating of security devices is part of the company’s routine.

It is worth remembering that structural elasticity is also an important highlight. Cloud storage and cloud computing frameworks enable scalability for businesses. You can scale your infrastructure up or down quickly and cost-effectively without risking data loss. So if moving to the cloud is in the business plan, but you don’t know where to start, Webera operates and manages the entire cloud migration process for you.

Google indicates an efficient and straightforward cloud storage

To start in a cloud computing environment, it’s essential to answer these 4 points:

  1. Assessment: Identify the team, get an overview of the IT landscape, and decide which applications to move to first.
  2. Plan: Choose one or more migration strategies, consider a streaming-based solution, and performance test your cloud applications.
  3. Migration: Use an agile, phased approach that allows you to go back to an on-premises setup if necessary.
  4. Optimization: Adjust your cloud environment to align usage with demand and deployment capabilities such as cost savings and financial control.

Webera Advice

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