Motorola Just Launched The Evolution Of PTT Applications

The lack of organization of services provided by external teams can cause significant problems. The loss of business and consequently of the profit is one of the main ones.
A solution adapted to support external commercial teams, employees who are on the move, or those who serve at different service stations, according to the occurrences, is essential.
The number one priority that will define the success or failure of an exemplary external team is communication.
Adopting the right tool allows a perfect business flow, avoiding neglect in serving the public, be it B2B or B2C.

Push-to-talk applications are ideal for ensuring business productivity. They allow managers and teams to maintain a good, optimal relationship in real-time.

With more than 90 years in the telecommunications market, the Motorola brand has launched its Push to talk application in the American market. Check out all the Mototalk technology and learn how to win 30 days free.

What is Push-to-talk technology?

Push-to-talk (or press to talk) is a type of communication that uses a transmitting device and another receiver, but that does not work simultaneously.
Users must press a button on the device while speaking and release it when finished. On the other end of the line, you must do the same to answer in the same way that amateur radio and old walkie talkies worked.
Today, the most modern PTT systems no longer have the distance limitation like the radio amateurs.
These applications use the signal from cellular and wifi operators to operate and have many other functions besides sending and receiving audio. It doesn’t matter if users have different operator plans or the device model.
In other words, they transform smartphones, computers, and tablets into super communicating radios.

What are Mototalk’s business benefits?

Mototalk is a new platform focused on helping businesses to increase their productivity by effectively managing their field teams through fast and rich communication.
Forget ordinary radios and turn your team’s smartphones into a real walkie talkie (PTT) with a rich set of messaging and communication features.

Check some features.

  • Don’t spend more money on calls

With Motorola PTT technology, you can safely and straightforwardly communicate anytime, as often as you need. There is no charge per call or usage limit.

  • Group calls for up to 100 participants

Passing advice to a large team of professionals can be an impossible mission. With the PTT tool, you keep a group of up to 100 people updated at a time.

  • Sending images, texts and sharing contacts

We are used to receiving and sharing various types of content formats daily. Whether by email or a different kind of file-sharing medium.
The modernization of Mototalk also offers this practicality.

  • How much does the PTT Mototalk service cost?

Motorola is offering 30 days free to use the app. In this way, it is possible to enjoy all the benefits and still check out the next releases. Click here to download and win the free 30 days.

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