Key Benefits of Deploying DevOps and Continuous Delivery to Enterprises

When talking about DevOps, we cannot say that only developers perform IT operations tasks and that the operations team learns to code. Instead, the aim is to provide both disciplines with a much better understanding of what the other does and improve faster and more reliable results.

DevOps brings a company’s developer and operations teams much closer together than in a traditional structure.

Instead of developers doing their thing and then passing the job on to the operations team, the two groups help each other. It is a fundamental change that is not always easy to make.

So, why should you switch to DevOps? Is it worth the effort? What are how DevOps benefits a company?

Let’s look at the core benefits of joining DevOps and the business value to be expected of them.

Faster runs and more responsive teams

Most organizations would like to have a stable environment, but they also want to implement some agility changes. DevOps practices make it easier to achieve goals through frequent, but small, changes to the code – usually done through a continuous integration/delivery process.

Using frequent and minor updates of a software version should give developers more confidence and faster and more defined objectives. Thus, having smaller and more achievable goals may be preferable to having a team spend several months on a complex project that fails when launching.

Thus, the IT team will be more agile. After all, the entire team needs to be focusing on these initiatives. It means that everyone looks for the best way to achieve this goal and anticipate any obstacles.

Practices that keep UX limited

When the teams of developers and operations work together, everyone can make accurate decisions. Developers can assume that specific software requirements are met – for example, a website created based on the assumption that all users will access it through Google’s Chrome browser. And with that, the operations team can verify these decisions before something is fully designing. After all, operations teams generally know about users’ complaints first, which gives them an idea of how people use a particular

Both developers and operations can implement the infrastructure as code if the platform needs to scale quickly. Through this cooperation, an organization can visualize the benefits of DevOps in several ways, such as:

– high probability that changes will implement correctly at first

– high reliability of the customer when he sees that his needs a met and less reason to call support;

– creating a more flexible, better monitored, and more easily adaptable infrastructure to the user’s needs.

Informed teams, more involved customers

A high-performance operations team will have mastery of communication with end-users. With that, he will know how to share information about interruptions, updates, and other useful information. It is worth mentioning that when these operations professionals also understand what the developers are trying to achieve, they can provide valuable advice on what to report and when.

The operations team can also solve user problems. It makes a filter to protect developers from noise, besides benefiting the operations team to identify trends and understand the issues. So, taking this information to the development team for resolution becomes a useful feedback loop.

With the collaboration that DevOps brings, it also helps developers and operations teams to maintain quality and up-to-date documentation. Changelogs and knowledgebase articles are usable for something that is missing or needs to send for correction. When other groups invest and see how DevOps benefit them, they want to help themselves even more.

What’s more, when DevOps is in place, end customers realize that the company works together. They value good communication about determining the product of interest. Support issues are solving more quickly because the person they talk to understands how the product works. After all, practical support experience builds customer loyalty.

While the benefits of DevOps can be impressive, a change is not simple. The company is likely to encounter problems, and it will be challenging to get everyone to accept the concept.

Some members of companies are sometimes used to their customs. Developers working alone in a test box know that everything works, but they may not explain the configuration to others. Some people are used to big months-change projects but may not adapt quickly to more agile tactics. The operations team, especially the service desk staff, can find fault when learning about products that developers deliver, mainly if used to provide requests for certain products.

So, instead of imposing changes, getting support from teams is essential. Because the transition should be more comfortable when they can see how DevOps benefits the business, it improves its functions concerning work demand, mainly the fact of gaining process improvements and leaving the end customers satisfied with the product.

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