G Suite boosts business productivity and collaboration with latest updates

If we thought four or five months ago that our work environment would undergo a radical change, transforming our home into our workplace, and that the digital transformation we were hoping to happen in a few years ends up happening in a few weeks for many companies, would you believe?

In the most optimistic scenario, we would believe that this change would be gradual and partial, which could adapt to the new work routine, tools, applications, and resources. However, with the quarantine and the current global moment, this unique situation happened so quickly.

We cannot complain, because if it weren’t for all the technology, we have available today, much of our professional routines and personal connections would be compromised. Did you realize that since the beginning of social isolation, we had to deal with many solutions and applications to fulfill our routine of meetings, tasks, training, and even in social life?

G Suite understood this need and brought together chat, video calls, email, documents, and tasks in one place, making the “new” day by day work closer to when you were side by side with your co-workers.

All apps reunited

When we arrived at the office, the first thing we did was to say good morning to our team, maybe a coffee, and then access Gmail. This feature is the first significant G Suite integration. Meet, used for conferences, will be accessed through Gmail using Web, Android, and iOS. The Chat also changed and started to be accessed through the inbox (in the Web version), ending the exchange of guides, which interrupted what we were doing when necessary to reply to messages.

Chat also allows you to share documents and tasks with your team or people outside your company. Thus, everyone involved in the project will monitor the progress of a given subject and keep all stages aligned. You can also open your drive files from the projects view and edit them, without leaving Gmail. Everything in a simple and functional way.

Gmail has also added access to other applications, such as DocuSign, Salesforce, and Trello. You start receiving updates and work-integrated through your email inbox, Chat, and Rooms.

Task, meetings, and chat integrated

Another important detail that could induce an interruption during the progress of video calls is creating tasks and messages for everyone located in the same meeting. With the new platform integration, this break on the flow with the exchange of tabs no longer exists. It is making everything more practical and dynamic. During a meeting, it will be possible to create a task from the conference chat and address it to anyone.

One of the most notable features of Gmail, the search field, is also more efficient. With just one click, you perform your searches in Chat.

Other features that will make your work more productive:

  • Fixing your most important chat rooms
  • Setting your availability as “Do Not Disturb” in an uncomplicated way.

Latest updates availability

The new features are being made available little by little, and you can try them out by registering on the link.

With all these new G Suite solutions, we are closer to our work environment, even remotely. We remain productive and collaborating on tasks that can make a difference in the market.

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