MOTOTALK- Challenges of hosting a new service for Motorola

Webera is now Motorola’s newest hosting manage service provider, developing the entire acquisition and billing platform for the Mototalk push to talk application. It’s a fantastic project with some exciting challenges.
If you need to create your web platform or are curious about making the decisions about tools, integration, etc., check out the article.

Starting a web hosting service project for a brand, you must choose the best hosting tool no matter how big it is. It is necessary to have a full-stack and user experience team to ensure users’ functioning and better usability to manage the platform.

Considering these two aspects, MOTOROLA chooses Webera to launch its new push to talk application, MOTOTALK, on ​​US territory. 


The brand solution can bring great results for companies that need to contact external teams all the time, during customer service, making deliveries, or only carrying out activities in transit, such as surveillance services.

Just download the application to have a fast, secure communication, making it possible to share text, images, and videos. In a few weeks, Webera developed the entire platform, with efficient managed services tools and working as a data intelligence agency to promote the new service’s digital marketing.

Click here to download the MOTOTALK APP and get 30 days free.

So that you know what the journey of Webera within the whole process, which included DevOps facilities, CI/CD, PME, Hosting, and integration with Motorola APIs, we prepared this case with the steps and challenges of our team.

Step 1: Defining The WordPress Path

The first idea was creating a website using a flexible content management platform. The Content Team should build, manage content, and make structural changes to the page, with the minimum need to “tinker” in the source code and make integration more comfortable. 

The project’s challenges also included the need to connect WordPress with an external API to provide the user with access to a dashboard to manage his subscription and make the payment after the trial period.

Step 2: Fullstack Development And Needs

The beginning was evaluating a solution that is already being part of the development roadmap team. Also, meet the need for accessible content updating. Due to the project’s proposed delivery time, we chose to work with WordPress because it is a consolidated CMS in the market and has a very active community producing upgrades and improvements.

Getting the Right WordPress E-commerce Plug-in

Woocommerce (WordPress plugin) sends requests to an external API securely. We had to create a webhook in Woocommerce. When there was a new subscription, it would send a request to our API with the user information provision. 

The DevOps team did a pipeline to run our API securely, where the entire development team could work together on the solution, implementing a layer of host security.

Our API is hosting only as our server that the WordPress application gets the access to send HTTP requests so that all user authentication data can travel safely.

Step 3: Design And User Experience

The need for easy content editing and publishing, combined with a mature e-commerce solution, made WordPress with WooCommerce – the platform of choice. WordPress’s easy integration with our API and having a CMS integrated with an e-commerce system with a vast directory of plugins for integration with payment methods was another great reason to choose WordPress. A custom theme based on the WordPress CORE was developing to ensure that it worked with various plugins and widgets.

Thanks to the new, fully integrated, and easy-to-use platform, MOTOTALK has grown since its launch.

The project was delivered on time, adding accessibility and functionality that integrated its APIs into an easy-to-use platform that has been instrumental in its recent growth. 

With its new efficient workflow allowing to add content and manage user subscriptions much faster, maintaining integration between the system and our external API requires much less time and effort, making this project an overwhelming success. 

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